Introducting Solar Pace Documentation

The Solar Pace documentation pages address some specific topics, projects, products, services in more details than in a blog post. They relate my experiences dealing with various technologies.

This is also an attempt to build a CI/CD documentation using the following components:

I already used those stacks for a development project in my previous company and in my opinion it helps a lot keeping documentation up to date : the documentation was part of the source code - developers could make some changes very quickly and it was deployed alonside the source code. I also built some automation to gather automatically the REST APIs documentation and format it as asciidoc files so they could be part of the technical documentation.

MES applications image

I’ll start with my experience with Keycloak and OCI tricks and tips discovered in the past few months


  • Guénaël Voisin

This document is written with Asciidoc and Antora and stored in the project

Antora gives us the possibility to generate the website, PDF, ebook from the same source files. Antora development is sponsored by OpenDevise Inc.